Friday, April 25, 2008

Oil Industry Seeing the Light on Climate

OIL: Geologists to shed more light and less heat on climate change
ClimateWire (04/25/2008)

The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, one of the last major scientific organizations that does not fully support the theory of anthropogenic climate change, has softened its stance on the issue.

The organization, which held a forum on climate change Wednesday in San Antonio as part of its annual convention, now supports "research to narrow probabilistic ranges on the effect of anthropogenic carbon dioxide on global climate" and endorses "reducing climate emissions from fossil fuel use as a worthy goal."

Association member Jeff Levine said that internal disagreement remained vitriolic. "I think it's fair to say that many of us view this topic with a great deal more passion and emotion than is healthy in scientific inquiry."

But Texas State Geologist Scott Tinker, the association's incoming president, said he was pleased with the serious and professional tone of the discussion. "I think the industry is indicating it is ready to step up and be part of the solution," he said. "We're often considered bad oil folks and attacked, but the work we do still provides about two-thirds of the world's energy today" (Anton Caputo, San Antonio Express-News, April 23). -- PR

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